Sharing Our Faith Journeys

At HHBC, we gather each Wednesday evening not only to fellowship and share a meal together, but to deepen our faith in God and our relationships with each another. Although we come to our places of faith through different paths, we all share many commonalities. It’s important that we not only accept our differences, but honor and celebrate them. By sharing our different experiences and honoring our histories, we grow together deeper in our faith as we work toward serving our Lord and our community.

Sharing our stories is a way of opening ourselves up to the truth within and allowing ourselves to be seen, honoring the sacred connection that flows from revealing a piece of ourselves with others. Sharing our faith walk, our spiritual journeys with truth, and listening to those stories with respect, with kindness, and with acceptance, we create the opportunity for meaningful connections. This is healing, enlightening, and strengthens our bonds as a Christian family.

We often shy away from revealing too much about ourselves because of fears. We may be afraid of being hurt or of not being accepted. We might be confused about our own evolving faith. We might struggle to find the words to describe our faith experiences, or we might think we are supposed to have everything “worked out.” We might think that our faith journey is ordinary and of little interest to anyone but ourselves. We might believe a faith journey should be dramatic or that we need to be an accomplished orator.

When we encourage spiritual story-sharing within our congregations, we also empower our members to share their stories outside of the walls of our church buildings. We give our members the tools to share their faith stories—and other stories that are important to them—with their families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and communities. By doing so, we guide our members through a spiritual practice with the potential to bring freedom, connection, and even a touch of the divine. Matthew 10: 32-33 says, “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” Let us confess and share our journeys with Jesus to each other.
You have the opportunity to share your faith story on Wednesday nights during the months of February and March. Come be a “storyteller” and a “story listener” and let’s weave the fabric of our faith community tighter and deeper.

Call or text Dianne Fuller (478-972-2244) to schedule the telling of your story.

Click here to see questions that might help stimulate reflections about your own faith journey.