Vital Worship

Join us for worship at 11:00 am in our sanctuary or through livestream available on Facebook Live, YouTube, and on our homepage.


Worship at Highland Hills calls us to praise, love, and serve God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Worship draws creatively from diverse Christian traditions, along with the gifts and experiences of the entire congregation.

Through Vision 20/20, we discerned that our congregation desires to:

Create living liturgies;
Educate and engage celebrants in worship;
Expand sacred space for our community;
Integrate theology and the arts.


Worship truly matters at Highland Hills Baptist Church. All other expressions of faith, at our church, find their source and strength in the worship of God.

Worship at Highland Hills is characterized by a warm formality. We place a high priority on reverencing God and upholding the most meaningful traditions of the Christian church. Our style of worship affirms both the holy transcendence and familiar closeness of God’s nature by engaging all the senses. Visually, our worship is enhanced by liturgical robes, colored stoles, the processional cross, the Christ candle and other treasured symbols of the church.

Resounding within the walls of the sanctuary each week are litanies, prayers, Scripture readings, choral music, bells, and sermon.  At least once a month, we taste bread and wine together as we share communion on the second Sunday of the month and other holy days.  It is not uncommon, both before and after our services, to feel the embrace of a heartfelt hug or the warmth of a welcoming handshake.  And, every once in a while, the smell of a catered or potluck meal will float into the church and alert us to a picnic or feast that will follow our time of worship together.

This pious prodding of the senses falls within the structure of the Christian Liturgical Year. Our worship calendar begins four Sundays before Christmas with the celebration of Advent. The story of Christ is then told—Sunday after Sunday—as we move through Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost.  Each service is intended to glorify God and in some way meet the needs of our worshippers.

Learn about Children's Worship